Angie Mills
Twenty years ago I was introduced to a well-known Professional Watercolour Artist in Eastbourne, Andrew John, with whom I decided to study, and was thrilled to find that he could break the widespread myth that Watercolour is impossibly difficult to perfect.
It was Andrew John’s techniques which opened this wonderful world of Watercolour for me, and led to my own success, which in turn led to my being asked to teach locally in Henley, which for 16 years became a full-time career teaching small groups 4 days a week here in my home in Henley, and on request visits to Sweden where I was encouraged to be asked to teach the Chancellor of the local University and some of his colleagues.
My overall goal is to convey knowledge through experience to equip students, and to help them to become masters rather than victims of their chosen hobby – and how to avoid the inevitable pitfalls of any new skill, and even how to correct mistakes where possible!
Monday 14th April
Tutor: Angie Mills